This week, I’m super excited to share Week 2 of our Shine NLP Advent Calendar.
I wonder if you, like me, like to enjoy a surprise from time to time, or maybe you prefer to surprise someone else. Surprises come in all shapes and sizes, do they not?
Last week, not only did my mum win a Christmas raffle but she won a prize to surprise us all…So now we’re looking forward to a family date at the pantomime.
This week, I got a surprise when my neighbour who brought me a Poinsettia to say thank you, simply because I decided to surprise a few friends with a pre-Christmas drink and pamper.
A year or so ago, I decided to learn about the laws of the universe. The law of cause and effect, also known as the law of karma states, that any action causes a reaction… So, whatever you put out—good or
bad—you get right back.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if each time you listen here/hearing my voice, you give yourself a gift to re-energise and feel good, so that you can be at your best to enjoy the festivities and surprises ahead…
So, here is this week’s surprise for you to enjoy the gift of trance on me!
“An Advent Trance for YOU” was inspired by the huge range of advent calendars I’ve seen around this year.
I wonder what you’ll find as you listen in and prepare to shine even brighter during the week ahead.